Elizabeth Giuntini Elizabeth Giuntini


So many of us are overwhelmed, overworked, and grappling with new uncertainties under this administration which makes showing up to day to day life challenging. Within my community, most everyone I know is struggling with a sense that they are failing in some area of their life, whether it’s work, relationships, family, or household maintenance. But what if this moment is all about learning how to fail in ways that nurture the humanness of each of us?

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Elizabeth Giuntini Elizabeth Giuntini

DT grand opening

Last Saturday afternoon a handful of us were at the Downtown studio rolling up rugs and lighting candles and hanging a disco ball and picking up snacks in anticipation of our Grand Opening party. There was energy in the air and feelings of excitement and curiosity about what the night would be like.

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Elizabeth Giuntini Elizabeth Giuntini

Thank you, pyp! (a letter from Lauren)

On January 1, 2024 my beloved rooster died—killed by a hawk. I was unnerved by such an inauspicious way to start a new year, but tried not to think too hard about it. And then on August 21, 2024, my beloved sister died—killed by anorexia. My sister’s death was the second life altering, upending loss I’ve had in the last two years. I am not counting the rooster, whose name was Bombadil, and who was my companion, and whom I loved dearly, and whose death made me cry long and hard, in part because of the loss that preceded his death, and my suspicion that my sister’s death was looming.

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Elizabeth Giuntini Elizabeth Giuntini

PYP downtown opening day

PYP Downtown opens for classes FRIDAY DECEMBER 6 (tomorrow)!!! We are thrilled to open the doors and welcome you all into the space. You might have noticed that it’s been a bit, um, cozy in classes lately! While we love a cozy vibe, we are more than ready to expand our space by offering 29 more classes every week for a total of 84 classes between our two locations.

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Elizabeth Giuntini Elizabeth Giuntini

Vote + Rest

We are all living under powers that seek to dehumanize, destroy, and divide no matter how conscious we may or may not be of that reality in our day to day lives. The events of this week—leading up to and after Tuesday—bring those realities to the forefront of our consciousness and make it nearly impossible to do anything but look our shared humanity full in the face and ask ourselves what it means to be human, what are we accountable for, to whom are we accountable, and how to hold and enact our own personal power. 

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Elizabeth Giuntini Elizabeth Giuntini

PYP Downtown Update!

We are counting down the days until the opening of our Downtown location! Of course, construction projects are notoriously difficult to keep to a definite timeline. But we are on track for our November opening (actual day TBD once we get the permit we were told we didn’t need for the inspection required to get the next contractor in who started another project and, oh, the supplies you need are backordered, so let’s switch the timing of that other installation but then we’ll need to do it in two phases etc. iykyk). 

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Elizabeth Giuntini Elizabeth Giuntini

Behind the Scenes at PYP

Our upcoming increase in our class and membership rates (beginning September 1) is a reflection of our growing business, community, and vision. We are always engaged in the tension of increasing access to our classes and space to as many people as possible, while also running a successful business that can operate smoothly and compensate our employees fairly.  It can be a tough balance to manage, and increasing our rates is something we do with careful consideration toward how it will impact our students. 

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Elizabeth Giuntini Elizabeth Giuntini

Hands-on Assists: Two Approaches

Hands on assisting has been a hotly debated topic in yoga communities. With the rise of trauma-informed modalities highlighting the ways in which hands-on assisting has not always been rooted in proactive consent, discussing how, why, and when we touch students in a yoga class has never been more important. 

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Elizabeth Giuntini Elizabeth Giuntini

why Yoga Teacher Training?

One of the questions we often get from people who are considering a YTT is, “do I have to teach yoga when I’m done?” It’s a reasonable question. After all, it’s called “teacher training”. The short answer is no, of course you don’t have to teach after you’ve completed training. But there is a question beneath the question, which is—what does it mean to teach yoga?

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Elizabeth Giuntini Elizabeth Giuntini

Welcome to the PYP Blog

Since PYP first opened its doors in September 2018, our space, our members, the numbers of students who come into the space each week, and the number of teachers on our roster have grown significantly. We love the expansion and breadth of our community and our offerings. Something that we have always wanted to prioritize is the depth of community engagement, relationships, and all around quality of what we offer. One of the challenges of having a community that keeps growing in size is how to maintain intimacy, accountability, and connection.

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Elizabeth Giuntini Elizabeth Giuntini

Mutual Aid Mondays with PYP

Since the beginning of the year, The Portland Yoga Project has highlighted the incredible work of local non-profits as a way of furthering embodying our mission of inclusivity, service, and social awareness that we feel is at the heart of yoga. So far, we have featured Wabanaki Reach, Presente! Maine, and Nibezun-groups that provide services to celebrate the vibrant history and culture of historically underserved communities and provide both volunteer and educational opportunities for the greater Maine community.

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